On the Feds would consider this a success

What we need is a far less complex tax code so the IRS doesn’t need buildings full of employees to review compliance.


Life always been told the accounting firms are the ones lobbying to keep it complex. Don’t know if it’s true but an easy system would mean less of them

You keep ignoring the article in the OP. Biden said giving the IRS $80 billion over 10 years will increase tax revenue $700 billion. They recovered a whopping $500 million in the first year. I get it, you feel the need to defend Biden and big government, but so far it’s been a huge failure.

Yes it is true. They are a special interest.

Anyone whose income is threatened is going to fight tooth and nail to keep that from happening.

I have heard that too

IMO a flat tax on everyone with no deductions or credits is the way to go.

Employers, investment companies and your other sources of income will withhold the tax you owe and report it to the IRS. You check the IRS website and make sure it’s correct and that’s it.

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I agree. A flax tax would almost eliminate the irs.

I completely agree, but there’s a ton of money in having the most complicated tax code possible. By ton of money, I’m talking about lawyers and CPAs.

European countries send you a post card showing what you owe or are getting back and you can submit documents if they’ll reduce your obligation.

More likely, the tax service companies. I do know that the those companies and the tax software companies lobbied heavily to get the law that prohibits the IRS from establishing true online filing for everyone, instead limiting direct filing to lower income and other filing to the service and software companies.

I prefer a flat tax system, which would reduce the size of the IRS naturally. The reason people can game the system is because of it’s complexity…do you agree with that?

You mean conservatives dont want to waste taxpayer money? That is correct.

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The trouble with all these great ideas is that they will never happen. Two reasons:

  1. Too many special interests keeping the current dysfunctional system in place.

  2. Too many stupid leftists that would not agree to reasonable tax rates. They’d insist the wealthy pay a 35% flat tax and other such ridiculous nonsense. In fact, their shitty mentality is largely what has enabled the current system to become what it is.

Thats aspirational, id love a simpler system. But do you want to gut or shutter the IRS given the rules we have? Do you think its a weapon against conservatives? If so, why?

Do you think governments main job is to spend taxpayer money for profitable purposes? Of course we want efficiency and money spent well, nobody would disagree with that.

We are 75 posts into this thread and that is all you have done.

Not even once have I suggested government should throw money away. What I have said is that IRS is underfunded for decades. I’ve also said we should enforce all of our laws if possible. I’ve also said it’s too early to tell if the cash injection is working as intended. I’ve also wondered why conservatives don’t want to enforce IRS laws and prosecute cheats. That made me wonder why the Law and Order party wants to defund the FBI as well. But I’ve never said we should throw money away.

That is the exactly what you are condoning

Which is BS.

Nobody said that but you.

This is from taxpayer.net

Furthermore, the IRS has been underfunded for years and has been losing personnel in one of the oldest workforces in government. Between 2010 and 2019, the IRS’s inflation-adjusted funding declined by 19%. Additionally, the IRS workforce has shrunk by 9% when comparing its 2022 workforce to the workforce in 2013. With estimates suggesting that as much as 45% of the workforce will be eligible to retire in the next two years and only 3% of the workforce below the age of 30, this is a serious problem which requires an expediated solution.

Funding declined by 19%, workforce declined by 9% over last 10 years, 45% employees are eligible to retire.

This article is from 2018