On the Feds would consider this a success

The data here literally shows that the cheating isn’t happening.

How do you see that? 500m already recovered, how much more has been discovered but payment hasnt been negotiated yet?

But im sure youre right, almost nobody is cheating on their taxes and they definitely arent conservatives!

The IRS threw everything at this and came up with a rounding error.
This is an obvious failure to anyone other than a Biden apologist.

1% of 1% is so minuscule that it could be the difference between rounding up or down on a form.

Again, this is way early in the game 500m has been paid, i feel good about that.

But youre probably right, there is very little fraud and we should gut the IRS because of that.

Rich people don’t cheat on their taxes.
They hire really smart people to interpret the tax code and minimize their taxes.

$7.5 billion has been lost.
I feel really bad about that.

Nobody fucking said that but you.

Not much to indicate $8B has actually been spent.

Lots of conservatives, Vivek i believe called for it.

Its a new trend, the Law and Order party suddenly wants to disband the FBI. IRS. Any who has ‘wronged’ conservatives. You guys are whiny little bitches lately.

Im old school conservative, put me firmly in the column supporting the FBI, IRS, laws mean nothing if they arent enforced. Im proud to pay my taxes, lets force cheats to be proud too.

So how is anyone on this board supposed to answer for Vivek?
And, was it in conjunction with revamping the tax code to a flat or fair tax? If so it makes sense.


This is the equivalent of hiring 100 Highway Patrol officers and calling it a success because you had one more traffic stop for 1 mile over the speed limit.

Wrong, irs is chronically underfunded for decades. Youre covering for it say tax cheats arent a real prblem anyway.

Conservatives want government spending to result in immediate profit. The new funding is in its infancy and government doesnt really work like that anyway.

Slashing IRS is mainstream conservative thought and you know it. Hell, youve fully bought into it. Tax cheats arent a problem anyway.

No it hasn’t been. That is a far left taking point.
The vast majority of the Federal Government has had a bloated budget for decades. The IRS included.

They aren’t.
That it also a far left talking point.

Exactly, similar argument used in disbanding FBI. J6 folks were tourists or false flag. No big deal folks, no crimes were committed.


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The irs has enough data to estimate everything. We need technology and not more workers.