On the Feds would consider this a success


Desantis wants to abolish IRS


Took 30 seconds to find this.

With a flat tax there would literally be no need for it.

This needs to happen to the rest of the Federal Government

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Sorry Parrot even you canā€™t fix stupid.

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Thatā€™s whatā€™s annoying about this board, I took 30 seconds to google some links and you dismiss that fine work. 30 SECONDS!

You said IRS is not underfunded, I proved otherwise. You said republicans donā€™t want to strip funding or bust up IRS, I proved otherwise. You say tax cheats arenā€™t a problem, Iā€™d say the 500m recovered proves otherwise.

I think weā€™re done here with the IRS, time to move on. I say the sky is mostly blue, especially when the weather is good. Nowā€¦GO!

Am I reading this wrong or is IRS funding at the highest levelā€¦

No, there is no actual definition of ā€œunderfundedā€, it is a DNC talking point.

That just proves you have zero clue about math, statistics , and percentages.

Weā€™ve moved onā€¦

What does this have to do with the sky being blueā€¦or not?

Yeah, the definition of underfunded depends on what one thinks the proper level of funding is. But the fact is, between 2010 and 2021, they lost 19% of their budget, 22% of their staff, 31% of enforcement staff.

Why did Good Democrat Obama do that to the noble IRS employees?

All that chart will do is make Parrot smile, heā€™s glad the IRS is understaffed and that audits are down. Of course, according to parrot, audits are down because nobody cheats on their taxes.

Mcarley, do you have a guess why Republicans want to defund federal law enforcement agencies?

In 2012 Obama tried to increase the IRS budget by 1B so they could hire 5,100 employees. Instead, Congress approved a budget reducing IRS funding by 1B. Didnā€™t bother looking at other years.

In the case of the IRS, itā€™s a simple matter of doing the bidding of rich donors.