Trivia based on old photos

I thought I answered your singer query.

I think that may be the Chrysler Building.

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jimtoo - You did without mentioning his name but I know who you meant and you were correct. The Chrysler building is in that photo of New York City, but it shows another iconic building near it as well

Jimtoo correctly named one of the iconic buildings in the New York photo as the Chrysler building. What was the other one. This is a hint for it. It opened in 1913 but by the seventies it was in such bad condition that there was talk of demolishing it. However, during the nineties it was restored to its original grandeur.

Who grew up in this (now restored) home, originally a converted boxcar?

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mcarley - Was it an Okie from Muskogee?

It was, or so he wrote in a song. He was actually born in Bakersfield, grew up in Oildale.

Okie from Muskogee was written as a joke, but the fans took it seriously.

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The photo of a tenement in my previous post was taken in 2005, which is why it has that date on it, but it was built around 1890.

What famous New York City park is in this photo

This is a hint for my question about the relationship between the gray tenement on the lower east side and the other two photos:. “only in America”

This is a hint for my question about the famous park in the photo. The arch in this photo was erected to celebrate the centennial of the inauguration of the first president of the United States.

This is another hint: The area around it was so upscale that the author Henry James thought it was fit for an heiress

Jay and the Americans?

Does anyone recognize the famous New Yorkers in this 1915 photo

Hint: What is the current standard for oil?

No, but a line from that song by Jay and the Americans provides a hint.

Another hint: The Heiress was not written by Henry James, but that is the title of a movie that was based on a book written by Henry James.

[quote=“BridgeMaven, post:80, topic:41125, full:true”]

I guess my hints were not as obvious as I thought they were. The correct answer is Washington Square Park. The arch at the entrance of the park was erected to celebrate the centennial of George Washington’s inauguration. The novel by Henry James was Washington Square and the movie based on that novel was called the Heiress.

The answer is John D Rockefeller with his son who has the same name

Who is the author in this photo from the forties with her husband Frank.

Hint: Don’t “shrug” off the fact that you probably read at least one of her books.