Those who think catching covid is as good or better than getting vaccinated, should ask this woman

Yes because the people who are high risk are not given the vaccine.

And no it’s not tiny according to many cardiologist. Imagine if you were one is the people impacted. Would you feel it was fair to have something pushed on you?

Imagine if you were one of the hundreds of thousands who have died over the last several months because you and/or someone else was more scared of an extremely rare side effect than the disease the vaccines prevent.

Well if I was dead. I wouldn’t be able to imagine.

My cardiologist would disagree with you that side effects are extremely rare. He’s a research for wash u.

I had a nasty side effect from the booster and did many people. It was still my choice but imagine if that had been forced on a person.

So, it’s better to force Covid on people?

That doesn’t even make logical sense.

Almost every unvaccinated person will get Omicron before long. And they will spread it.

Same with the vaccinated people.

The vaccine provides almost 0 protection for spreading omicron.

There doesn’t appear to be much protection from catching Covid and the vaccine. What it does is help with the severity.

So why take the jab if it provides little protection?

Why not you say? Ask this woman!

She was 35, mother of 4, with NO known medical issues.

Took the jab and DIED in her sleep! When do you hear that about a 35 YO?

Well it happened, and I hadda come to Okie for her funeral. So sad.

Not to worry though; the COD will never be laid upon the “vaccine” as it should, because the medical people here are incompetent and/or bought off because that would just be so wrong to find a big ole clot that could not have been caused by anything but the jab. Tox will show nothing, so it will remain forever a mystery.

It protects you from serious illness or death.

It doesn’t seem to protect you from catching the virus

No they don’t. There are endless stories of vaccine reactions being dismissed & ignored.


What are leftists going to do now that their Big Pharma-enriching narrative is crumbling?

A) admit they were wrong & they don’t know shit about science

B) pretend this isn’t real & try to double down on their bad position

C) pretend they never supported lockdowns & mandatory jabs & that they respect people’s freedom

I predict B, followed by C.

Everyone knows it won’t be A. When someone lefties worship (Biden, Fauci, etc) are very wrong they excuse it the information changing or some other bullshit.

This type of vaccine is not new. What’s new, is that advances in science have allowed for much faster decoding of virus genetic codes, and vaccine creation and production.

The safety and efficacy of the vaccines have been exceptional. And please don’t repeat the nonsense about omicron infecting those who are vaccinated.
The vaccines, even against omicron, offer 90% protection against having a serious enough reaction that would put you in the hospital.

It provides some protection from getting the virus, great protection from serious illness and death.

You have a study that shows any real benefit with omincron? I haven’t seen one

With a booster, at least some protection from infection, yes.

A small percentage of the people who get COVID-19 have severe inflammatory reactions and die.

A small percentage of people who get the vaccine will have unpleasant reactions. In a very few cases, they might be very serious.

It is not clear that the vaccine gives much protection from Omnicron 3 months after the last injection.

The thing that busy-body intolerant bigots like you can never do is let people consider the options and risks, and decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated or not.

But that protection falls quickly. By three months, the booster reduces the risk of a symptomatic infection only by about 50

That isn’t very much and that’s longer than other studies I’ve seen. Most say no benefit after two Months