The Spectacular Failure of Covid Shots

Yes, the evidence so far shows that the boosters provide significantly better protection.

HOGWASH! SP is on target. Efficacy goes away fast, and none of the jabs are good against omicron variant. Now criminal Slouchy wants to jab babies who don’t get the CCP virus!

Now if you really wanted to prevent covid, Ivermectin is proven. It is also very cheap compared to the mRNA Unproven, Experimental Snake Oil being foisted upon you! The Establishment cannot admit that though because if we have an effective treatment (We Do!!!) then the Experimental Use jab$ could not be permitted.

Yes the new Biden shots are probably much more snake oil than the Trump shots.

That and Omnicron is probably more likely to kill you from complications like the common cold than from the disease itself

Looks pretty pathetic from everything I’ve seen. TONS of fully vaccinated & boosted people contracting it.

How many shots do people have to rack up before you’ll realize these things are not a success?

Contracting it, yes, but rarely dying. That’s kinda the point.

And as the grand wizard had promised, 38 different times, no matter what the truth was, that like a miracle, covid will just disappear, or is vanishing.
How many times has Biden said that you shall not die, if you’re vaccinated?

What’s funny about that chart being posted, as proof that the vaccines have “failed”, is that it shows quite the opposite. Almost 90% of the deaths are of the unvaccinated. Those are stats that everyone, except for idiots, would consider proof of the vaccine’s ìncredible effectiveness.

Lol … it doesn’t matter, he said it. Was that misinformation and fake news or do you believe it?

Obviously it was misinformation. But, did Biden double, or triple down, repeating the same thing, dozens of times? I think he said it once.
You let me know when he says the very same thing, more than 38 times.
Then I’ll agree that he’s overtaken the idiot who said the virus would miraculously disappear…38 friggin times.
I always find it humorous to see those on the right, unable to restrain themselves, when they decide to call out Biden for a misstatement, or a lie, or a verbal flub. It’s like they think the rest of us don’t remember the never-to-be unseated, king of prevarications.

But I get it. Many of us pointed out the thousands and thousands of lies, misstatements, and misinformation by Trump. So repeating, over and over again, when Biden makes A false assertion, must feel like hi-five time for some.

You can tell that the family of the poor girl I went to Okie last weekend to bury.

She had no known health issues. Was 35, and had 4 daughters, oldest 17.

When do you ever hear of a 35 YO with no issues up and dying in her sleep? Hmmm?

For some of us old goats up and dying would not be that unusual, but 35???

Alls she did was take the jab and DIE!!!

Very sad, but the vaccines were never guaranteed to provide 100% protection from serious illness or death. The stats though, despite the anecdotal “evidence” of this young woman’s passing, makes it abundantly, and undeniably clear, that the vaccines have saved millions of lives around the world, not ended them.
And people, even young ones, do die every single day, out of the blue. You cannot attribute her death to the vaccine, unless that determination has been already made.

Ha! I’ll let the VAERS stats do the talking! Of course nothing is 100%, but the purported protection is dubious at best, and Let’s Go Brandon declared you would not die.

The vaccines provide:

  • Questionable protection
  • Admitted decline of whatever protection they started with
  • Little or no protection against contracting COVID
  • No protection from infecting others with COVID
  • The highest number of Adverse Reactions ever seen
  • More Adverse Reactions than ALL OTHER vaccines in the history of VAERS!

Bottom line is the vaccines are POISON. Many survive, but too many are injured.

The covid vaccines MUST be withdrawn from the market.
When that happens, a few of you here will change your tune.

No scientific evidence but my large family in another state had 10 members get Covid. The one that was the absolute sickest and had to get infusion was the only one that refused the Covid Vaccines. His wife has had Covid twice and only lost her sense of smell. Who knows but I’m taking all the shots that are recommended.

Which is why we’re inundated on a regular basis, with people on their death beds, admitting how sorry they are for not having gotten vaccinated.

Of course there are still those, who as they take their last breaths, still steadfastly refuse to believe that the vaccines help, instead of harm.

With all the medical misinformation floated out here from crackpot links and crackpot link suppliers it might be useful for those who choose a more balanced and thoughtful approach to take a look at this site. If you access the link you can register to get daily updates of valid medical information summaries in your emails.