Study shows mask did not lower COVID Rate

Exactly. Biden said those exact words.

Of course the media tries to spin it that Biden meant something else. Wink. Wink.

Trump isn’t xenophobic. He imports his wives and workers


The echo chamber of misinformation you live in is breathtakingly powerful.

Either that, or your brain functions about as well as a slab of bologna.

Life’s too short to admit the Democrats I worship are — at best — equally guilty of what I accuse Republicans of.

Way to take stock of your life, buddy. Very impressive.

No, he didn’t. He called Trump xenophobic that day as many of us have nearly every day. Connecting it to the China flight ban is not something Biden did.

You have to have a willing suspension of disbelief to believe that the two were not connected.

He doesn’t. He’s a right winger trolling everyone.

Nobody could believe such non-factual illogical contradictory garbage.

Many of you called Trump xenophobic for no reason? That’s pretty bigoted.

No, you just have to realize Trump is xenophobic in his policies and people were saying that daily.

Keep saying it as though it is true. But none of his policies were close to xenophobic

I remember that former president Donald Trump wanted to stop flights from China in January 2020, when we first heard about covid 19 in China, but he was accused of being a racist for saying that. In my opinion, the left wing radicals who prevented Trump from stopping flights from China earlier than we did are responsible for the covid crisis that subsequently took place in the United States. It is, also, quite annoying that so many left wing radicals, especially governors, were more concerned about using the covid crisis to promote their political agenda instead of doing what was best for our country!

He imports his wives and people who work at his companies.

No one accused him of being racist for that. His racism was established long before. And no one prevented or delayed him stopping flights. You just invented that.

And, the first big wave of COVID came from Europe, not China.

And rainbows may come out of my butt.

Only if you eat Skittles.

Accusations of Trump being racist go back to the 1970s. They didn’t come about with COVID.

And none of them have any weight.

Biden actually hang out with the klan.

It’s easy to see who the racist is.

Trump employees thousands of people including black people. Biden was afraid a a racial jungle.

And a lot of Polish, Honduran and Guatamalans. Good, hard workers…just missing their…ahem…papers.

Never seen any real evidence Trump hired illegal aliens. The controversy was that he requested visas for people to work at the resorts

“You got the first articulate, clean african-american… that’s storybook man!”

“You can’t go into one of Trump’s resorts… unless you speak Indian.” Or was that a 7-11?

You forgot the word “baseless “

He had to settle with the Feds. Hell, his father was arrested at a Klan rally.