Study shows mask did not lower COVID Rate

WEll…I guess I’ll just rely on what Asian countries have done for years. If you’re sick…wear a mask… If you can keep your germs in your facemask and not in an aerosol just on the other side of my cubicle, then the whole place is better off. BUT…they have the right to spread their shit all over the office because “social distancing is enough”.

FWIW, I was talking to my doctor about Vitamin C and Zinc and he siad it doesn’t work. I mentioned that I haven’t had a cold or flu and he said it was because I was wearing a mask. But what does he know…he’s just a doctor all the time and not just on the internet.;

Do what the hell you want, just don’t tell me to follow your fake science.

See my response to WM. I guess my doctor is an idiot and I should find someone who follows real science instead political science.

The data literally speaks for itself.

China welds people into their apartments. No thank you

Exactly. Cant fix stupid.

Before too long, WM and parrot will be saying that Trump was on to something with the bleach thing.

I didn’t much attention to that. The lefties started babbling about it.

They laughed when Trump said to wear a scarf like a mask. They laughed when he said most people wouldn’t know they had it. They laughed when he said it may have come from a lab.

Who’s laughing now?

Well he wasn’t since that never happened.

Certainly not the families of the 6000,000 who were told that it’s going away any day now and it will be gone by summer.

Remind me, was that before or after the Democrats said it was racist & xenophobic to close travel from China/Asia and that this was just a mild flu virus?

LIfe’s too short

Back to making shit up, I see.


This is interesting. Got any idea why?

Gives them a sense of worth.
Allows them to express emotions in different ways.

The fact is that often MDs read a variety of articles, some of which have wrong conclusions. Physicians are herd animals just like the rest of us. From the beginning I said masks would do little against virus particles 30nm in diameter. When I voiced this opinion to patients and others, I was castigated as “a lunatic who wanted people to die.”

So I dropped the subject, and let people believe the fairytales they were hearing. Now apparently it appears that I was right. By the way, my personal physician and his staff caught COVID from a patient with all there protective gear just like I did with my staff.

No one said that. A lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie.

Lots of people called Trump xenophobic because his policies are. That was not directed toward the China flights.

BTW, the first big waves of COVID on the east coast largely came from Europe, not China.

Because Chinese workers returning from the Chinese New Year infected Italians.

Biden literally said it the same day.