Study shows mask did not lower COVID Rate

Nobody, eh…

How in the fuck can you expect anyone here to take you seriously when you say such demonstrably false bullshit on a regular basis?

He never settled with the feds. The company settled with the feds

With literally no penalty.

Whose company?

A tiny example of the evidence they had:

Slow Saturday?

You realize that Trump sued the Feds for defamation when they claimed he was racist don’t you.

Edit to add: and you also realize that in the “settlement “ the Trump organization never admitted wrongdoing and never changed any of their practices.

His fathers. Trump didn’t own the company. He had just started working there.

The sins of the father are visited upon the son.

I think a lot of people don’t realize that in the generation of Trump’s father deed restrictions and gentleman agreements not to sell real estate to minorities was a common practice. In fact there were also deed restrictions for Jews, as well. Even though William Levitt, who built Levittown for Vets returning from World War II, was Jewish he would not sell the original homes that he built to Jews.

These policies were wrong and they weren’t supposed to carry forward after anti-discrimination laws were on the books.

Duh, we all recognize that.

And in many cases they didn’t. But instead of saying that this is the way the country used to be and applauding that we have moved on, we have taken to erasing a lot of history. One of the biggest icons in Kansas City was a guy named J C Nichols. He designed the Country Club Plaza, he created several different housing developments. One of the “founding fathers” of KC. Had a street and a very prominent fountain named after him. BUT…he had deed restrictions against blacks. So instead of acknowledging that piece of history and moving on since many of the housing developments he created are home to many blacks, we have erased his name from the city. His street is now called “Mill Creek Parkway” and his fountain has yet to be renamed. I am kind of surprised that the realty company that bears the Nichols name hasn’t been forced to change it yet.

If your definition of xenophobic is:

  1. Wanting to control who crosses your borders.
  2. Playing hardball with the biggest Communist regime in the world, who has prison camps that employ slave labor, forces women to have abortions, and regularly conducts corporate espionage to steal American technology.

Whereas credible accusations that mcarley is a racist come from 2021, on this very board.

Unless I have the history mixed up, his father was running the company and Trump had just started recently.

What the documents mainly show is Fred Trump didn’t want to rent to section 8. Otherwise, he didn’t care.

They sent testers in. Black testers were told no apartments available. White testers were shown apartments.

If you don’t want to rent to section 8, you don’t have to be part of the program. That’s easy.

And Donald Trump told these people no?