Powerball. I WON!

I bought $60 in tickets and won $16. Back to work for me today. I don’t participate until the lotto gets large. I guess I will take my $16 winnings and give it another shot.

For those that didn’t play, good for you. You are financially better off.

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Ill be throwing $20 at it myself. And i never play until it hits 1B.

They start a pool at work when it starts getting close to a billion, I got in because I don’t want to be the only idiot showing up to work everyday if they win.


Thats exactly why i get in on office pools, if i dont ill be the only dummy at work once they win.

The FAA would have to shut down all flight traffic to ATL !!!

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It would be a mess, but somehow wed manage. We always do.

Way back in the 90’s when a handful of executives decided to buyout the company from the parent company. They didn’t have much skin in the game. Something like $50K each. Some opted not to get in. Then in 2006, they took the company public and sold 20% of their ownership for $325 million that was split up between 13 guys in proportion to their initial buy in. Some of them retired right away, some still came in for a few years for transition and some are still here today. The guys who didn’t get in all still had to come in a grind it out for their paycheck.

Did you win 56 or win 16?

I have probably played the national lotteries a total of 20 times in my life, each time buying 5 tickets. So out of those 100 tickets, I think I have matched 2 numbers around 5 times and 1 or less the remainder of times.

Lottery= investment for those that are bad at math.

Yes very bad at math. But you can realize something is a sure loser and still do it for entertainment

True, but if I spend two bucks with the possibility of making a billion, I’d by a ticket. But just one.

My favorite stat: you are more likely to get hit by lightning—twice—than to win the lottery.

I’ve walked in a convenience store frequently and surprised lottery players many times by telling them how much money they would have in 20 years if they invested $50 a week in the stock market rather than blowing $50 a week on the lottery.

But on the other hand, I am glad ignorant people play the lottery. It goes toward their fair share of taxes they never pay. If it were not for them playing the lottery, people like me would pay even more taxes than we do.

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Well said. The particular issue with the lottery is it’s not spent on the specific items but as a general fund item

Of course, $$$ is fungible so even if the lottery went towards education, less $$$ from the general fund would be dedicated to education

Of course we don’t teach probability in school which means the govt endorsed funding source does well

But yes the lottery is a tax on those cannot do math. If someone makes $30k a year and as you said gambles $50 a week, they’re effectively paying an 8% tax

I’ll spend $2.00 on the lottery every once in a while. It’s fun, so what the hell.

Dearie me.

I love the lottery.

When Arthur was still alive and we still owned the convenience stores we made quite a bit of money from the lottery. Between liquor, tobacco and lottery tickets we made enough money to send several of our grandchildren to college.

Don’t worry, you’re paying the biggest tax of all, irrespective of deadbeats’ lottery addiction: inflation.


I’d guess Henry puts his money in the collection plate at church cause Jesus needs money. No taxes collected on that money either. But he will never complain he should have put that donation in one of his stock options like stupid people who buy a lottery ticket.