Does anyone remember

Price Performer - My husband has a college fraternity brother who lived in Ruxton and that area was very nice when we visited him a few decades ago. Is Ruxton part of Baltimore or a suburb of it?

Ruxton is a suburb but inside the Beltway, so close in.
You probably recall it was very nice. I worked there for a time but it has been over 50 years. Probably still nice especially if you want to live close in.

The Beltway of Baltimore is half the Circumference of the Atlanta Perimeter so Ruxton is close in.

I have family ringing the Northern Beltway. I have always felt safe there.

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In 1980 I worked at Superior Dairy in Canton Ohio. I worked the “retail” side most of the time, but a few times I had to pull late shift for home delivery. Our “milk trucks” delivered the usual dairy products, but we also delivered cereal, oatmeal, bread and other food products ( usually breakfast related). That was just part of the service. Back then, the WIC program was operated thru the dairy - our truck would deliver baby formula and other foods to the home. Today we order online and have groceries delivered, but in Canton Ohio anyways, they were doing it 40 years ago.

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Does anyone remember when normal blood pressure was considered to be 100 plus your age?


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Weenut - Your post made me laugh because it evoked memories of the scene in the Graduate when that word was used.

My purpose was that


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