WOW! The CDC inadvertantly admitting that they made shit up

This is almost rationalization for impeachment.

Not sure of the details, but hospitals and counties all over the country have been reporting this data for quite some time.

The video is of the Director of the CDC stating that this data point is not available.
Maybe she is incompetent, maybe she was making shit up two years ago, or, I don’t know maybe both!

For what it is worth, there is also a video of Jerry Nadler stating it was child abuse to not put a mask on your two year old!!

Wasnt there a financial incentive for hospitals to categorize deaths as Covid related back in the 2020 and 2021 timeframe ?

Not really. There was $ given to hospitals for Covid patients, so people claimed it was an incentive. If you think that will cause people to commit fraud, perhaps you’d like your heart surgery to be paid at the same rate as an appendectomy. Essentially, the same incentive is involved.

I think this is an example of someone taking information and twisting it to mean something else.