Will the fuel cell win when the US has hyperinflation

I think by 2040 fuel cells will gain favor when the government goes bankrupt and has austerity with the EV industry it mandated people to buy 5 years earlier. It’ll start with truckers and move to consumers by 2055

Yeah, fuel cells and auto bodies made from hemp. I’m already heavily invested. :innocent:

It is a classic case of government taking sides instead of the market. The market is always smarter than “experts.”

Didn’t Fauci get AIDS wrong?

Two points. There is no law that would allow the US to go bankrupt, or one that would preclude it. Also, any government that can print money they don’t have will never go bankrupt.


I listen to a couple of conspiracy theory podcasts, one of them is skeptical but not crazy and mostly debunks a lot of them, but one of them is cray cray. The cray cray one had an episode on a couple of weeks ago regarding the fiat monetary system, and a lot of what they said made a lot of sense.

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I guess I could have added that the government would never go bankrupt, but the people would be significantly poorer.


True. There are multiple ways to default.

One is to lift the middle finger. The other is to print money assuming debt is denominated in the country that holds the debt

Yes a country can go bankrupt if they have a debt source in a different currency then their printing press.

And most third world countries issue bonds in Euros and USD.

I took a haircut in USD Argentine bonds about 23 years ago. Just decided they would pay 50 cents on the dollar and we had no recourse.

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That’s a rough bath. Were you well diversified or was that a large concentration holding?

No, it was only $10,000 of risk capital.