Who pays the most income tax?

I paid about $78K (fed, state, payroll) in 2023. That’s a fuck load of wasted dollars. According to my calculations, my taxes would be nearly $10K higher if not for the Trump tax cuts. This will sunset in 2026 so enjoy that while it lasts.

According to the article, my household income is over the top 5%.

The top 10%, with incomes of at least $169,800, pay about three-quarters of the nation’s tax bill, the analysis found.

I guess I am paying more than my fair share.

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Its like Mitt Romney was saying a decade ago. …roughly half of the people pay taxes.

If you changed the question to who receives the most money from government, the graph would flip.

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No matter how many charts you have there are a lot of people who won’t believe it because it is incompatible with their beliefs.

President Reagan once said something to the effect that it isn’t that liberals don’t know anything, they just know so much that isn’t so

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And the lefties still say we don’t pay enough.

I paid over 100k this year.

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The givers are expected to give more so the takers can take more.

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