When did doctors first go to medical school?

Was there a time where a doctor could just refer to themselves as doctor or has a doctor always had to have training? I should probably separate that between doctors here and doctors in Europe. Was it true that a doctor did not need formal medical training in the USA as soon as the late 1800s, early 1900s

I might be mistaken were barbers referred to as “doctors” in the 18th and 19th centuries

The first med school in the US opened in 1765.

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Very cool. Thanks for the information

Just curious when going to med school was mandated as a requirement to become a doctor :grin:

Before that, when did it become customary? Was every new doctor going to that medical school in 1765?

Don’t forget there was just doctors. Surgeons were barbers. Overtime things merged into the speciality of physician (doctor isn’t really appropriate. The same designates us physicians. Doctor is a title based on level of education)

Licensing which I think is the question you really are asking was sometime in the late 1800

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That’s a good cast. Back when Snl was funny

The medical school that my father graduated from was founded in 1858 in New York City

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