What if Smartpolitics had better things to do with his time than start What if threads?

What if Smartpolitics had better things to do with his time than start What if threads?



What if wmj had better things to do with his time than start threads passive-aggressively bitching about somebody else’s threads, which he could just as easily ignore?

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One, maybe two is okay, but there were WAY too many in one evening. That’s why I suggest creating a new category. If you dont’ want to see them you can ignore the category and not see them. Otherwise you still have to wade thru them.

Yes there were 13. I think I got it down to 3 or 4 and summarized the list into one as well

The big question was if the Congress was the same but we had a different election outcome or someone became POTUS either earlier or later, would there have been a different outcome than our timeline

For example if Nixon was president in 1960, would we still have had the WaterGate scandal, the civil rights acts and marches, and reached the moon?

How might the 1996 or 2008 elections been if George HW Bush won in 1992 or Gore won in 2000?

It really doesn’t matter, I prefer to discuss what’s actually happening today. You can’t change the past, only learn from it.

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No, you don’t have to do anything. You can simply choose not to open it.

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When you have to scroll past 13 posts of “what if” to find something relevant, it’s annoying…

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You’re annoying, but I’m not trying to invent a special category for you.


The “media” is nothing but what ifs these days. They don’t need to live in reality and neither does SP.


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