Does anyone know anything about uveitis
I never heard of uveitis until I was diagnosed with it last month
Never heard of it, had to look it up.
In November I was diagnosed with Uveitis which is an eye disease where there is inflammation in the eye that can cause the loss of vision if it is not treated. The retina specialist first tried steroid eye drops then a low dose of oral steroids but neither helped so there was still inflammation in my right eye which caused cloudy vision. Two weeks ago the eye doctor told me that if he renewed the low dose of steroids it wouldn’t help and if he put me on a strong dose of oral steroids for a long period of time it would cause serious side effects in other parts of my body. So he recommended giving me a steroid shot in my eye which will last for a few months. I am thrilled to say that when he saw me this week he told me that the inflammation in my right eye has improved significantly and the cloudiness in that eye has improved to the point that I now have 20/30 vision in that eye
Glad it’s taken care of before it got worse. I’ve got floaters in my eyes, I never know if I’m swatting at a gnat or it’s just a floater, it’s annoying.
Thank you!
Sister, I’ve been told that those come with age. I’ve had them for a few years, they and go regularly.
Yes, a doctor told me its age related and nothing they can do about getting older.
If that’s not enough, I am using two different eye drops to keep the pressure in my eyes down (which appear to have also lessened the floaters a bit).
One of the reasons why I started this thread is because I never heard of uveitis until I was diagnosed with this eye disease in November and I wanted to make others aware of it.
This is another disease I like to make people aware of because I never heard of Amyloidosis until my husband was diagnosed with it in 2018. My husband had no symptoms at the time he was diagnosed. We found out because when he had a routine colonoscopy a polyp that was found during that exam was tested and found to have amyloid.
When I was giving my family history to my doctor and told him my mother had Amyloidosis and died in 1976, he muttered something about not knowing they knew what it was that far back. It had attacked her kidneys.
@Sister - I am so sorry that your mother had this horrible disease
Thank you, I still miss her to this day.