US Birth Rate Drops to Lowest in a Century

But of course. Yuge numbers of breeding age women took the monsterous covid shots. Some took dose 2, booster 1, booster 2, etc as many as were pushed by the pushers.

Would there be harm? According to NIH, of the untested snake oil, no!!! Sadly, I believe these and other gas lighters are lying, just as Slouchy did throughout the campaign to inject everyone with harmful and untested “experimental” stuff. We need new Nuremburg trials for those criminals.

No taz, the reason is young men don’t want to fuck women anymore for some odd reason. I have 2 adult kids and they don’t intend to have kids. My girlfriend never had kids and doesn’t want to be around them in any scenario.

Well Beemer I don’t think the lethargy is significantly worse. I was once young and stoopid myself and didn’t want any the X did not already have. Then late wife showed up and promptly got knocked up.

I didn’t see any indication of failure to copulate in the CF article, and the one I posted is all about women who DID get serviced and had one or more of a long list of Adverse Events due to covid shots. THAT would be a more likely cause than a sudden lack of interest. From my experience I think if a chick wants it she will likely get it.

This will help the Social Security problem in about 60 years.

But it’s devastating for SS in 20 years. We need immigration to keep the economy going and more importantly my SS checks rolling in.

Thats what happens with a Ponzi scheme…

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This doesn’t describe the extent of the problem which is that most people who could afford to have children are only having between zero and two children while most people who can’t afford to have them. are having a lot more children.

Sounds logical, but doesn’t hold water when the facts are presents. From an AP story:
More findings from the report:

“—From 2022 to 2023, the provisional number of births fell 5% for American Indian and Alaska Native women, 4% for Black women, 3% for white women and 2% for Asian American women. Births rose 1% for Hispanic women.”

U.S. traditionally has been one of the few countries with a birth rate high enough to replace the present population. Not so for quite some time, now. What does that mean? Well, for one thing, it could mean we might have to start letting in more of them dirty foreigners to keep the workforce healthy.

Countries with low birth rates like China and Japan many European countries that also have strict immigration policies are not doing so well in many cases.

Ya’ll are ignoring the elephant in the room! Pfizer knew what would happen to unborn and newborns!

Go sell crazy somewhere else Taz, we’re all stocked up here.

Responsible people who take care of their kids only have as many as they can afford.

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That’s the irony in restricting immigration right when Americans are getting older.

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I think people are pretty receptive to LEGAL immigration.

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The same administration that was claiming that was also attacking and attempting to restrict legal immigration.

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Yep, that’s what I was indicating earlier. Immigration is one of the factors that keeps a country vital. It’s always been that way, especailly in the U.S.

Immigration was fine, so long as they were white and Christian for the most part.

Or just live with fewer people. We need less people. Not more people. Lefties just want import slave labor.

There is no reason our population needs to expand. Maybe you haven’t noticed be we have a climate problem. Less people will help with that

Did anyone read “The Population Bomb” by Ehrlich which was written in 1968. The authors were concerned that population was growing geometrically while resources were not growing at the same rate and this would eventually create a worldwide famine. It was a very popular book when I was in college and is one of the reasons why many people of my generation decided to only have between zero and two children.

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I read about it in college. Luckily, many of his predictions proved overly pessimistic.