Toyota’s Chairman, "I Told You So"

Good for them.

EVs feel like a quick fad. They might do ok long term, but our infrastructure is not even close to supporting nationwide use.


I dont see it as a fad…but I dont think we will likely see a high market penetration anytime soon. This is fine with me…I have had an EV since 2015 and will continue to own one as a daily commuter. Its a no-brainer…

Sure to each his own. For daily commuters I agree it makes good sense.

I have been a long-way commuter in the past (hundreds of miles one way), and that would not have worked good on my trek through sparsely populated areas & bare-bones infrastructure.

Even with a daily commuter situation, I would still want an ICE/hybrid as a 2nd family car that I could rely on for vacation or other occasional long trips.


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