Time to Dump The Penny


Totally onboard with this…inflation has rendered the penny useless anyway.

However, if we stop printing the pennies, that might result in less government employees…and we can’t have that.

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Canada beat us to it.

Not to derail the thread…but we also need to get rid of checks.

It costs 3.07c to make and distribute a penny and 11.54c to make and distribute a nickel. For that reason alone, they should both be discontinued.

As for checks, not in my lifetime.

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Emulating Canada is probably not a lofty goal.

That sounds on par with the governments normal ROI on projects.

I wrote a check last week. First in about two years.

My kid’s school district still only accepts checks. Off the top of my head, that is the only reason I have used them. On second thought, we also used them to renew passports . They were the only option then.

If I was a business. I would take checks. Chargebacks you have little recourse.

Checks are a criminal offense. People go to jail to check fraud

We did too, can’t remember exactly why

The new online passport renewal process has eliminated that obstacle.

I pay my property taxes with checks because they charge a fee if I do it online with a credit card, and I’m not putting my debt card number on the internet.

never use debit card always use a credit card. Credit card more protections than debt card

Just checked, we’ve written 12 checks so far this year. One to state for plates renewal. Two for fed and state taxes. Wife wrote four to nieces as gifts. Five to local service people for work done at the house. With no cell signal here, some want to be paid before they leave and checks are the way. Others who we regularly do work for us just email a bill when they get a signal and we pay with card. All regular bills paid via bank Bill Pay, but the bank issues checks when the vendor doesn’t participate.

LMAO that is so true :rofl:

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