Should threads automatically close or stay open?

  • Threads automatically close
  • Threads never close
0 voters

I changed it to 10 years for politics and current events. We will test run it with this setting.

I am not able to turn it off, which is something they have changed recently. As such, I picked 10 years.

Thanks for the opportunity for us to provide input on this.

Great, so in 2033, we’ll still be arguing about the stolen 2020 election.

I agree but the consensus was to leave them open. If people change their minds, we will switch it back.

I see more Zombie threads popping up but we will see how it works out.

No, President Tiffany will shut down all that talk.

I think there is a happy medium. I would say leave a thread open for something like six months to one year since the most recent post. If nobody posts in that thread during that time, close it.

Later on, if somebody wants to refer to an old thread, he can link back to it in a new thread. By that time I think it would be a new discussion anyways.

Just my opinion, for what little it may be worth. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Unless someone adds a newer reply to an old post it will continue to move down.

The consensus of 50%?

7 days was too short of time, 10 years is 9 1/2 years to long.

Seven days seems short, but the annoying thing was that the handful of mods/admins didn’t see (or didn’t notice) when a thread was closed. If they replied to it and revived the topic, the rest of us couldn’t participate.

Ten years seems extreme, but I think it will work fine. I don’t foresee anyone trying to bump up old threads. No point to it.

It’s better than THE 97% consensus

That would occur, or not occur, irrespective of automatic thread closures.

A thread closure does not equal a banned topic.

We will see how it works and adjust from there.

What I suspect will happen is we will end up with 50 of the same topic with 50 of the same debates.

You mean that people will argue about positions where people are not going to change their opinions