Should I be Honest with Job Applicants?

This chick, who is a very marginal worker on probation, is refusing to remove her nose ring during the workday, fearing the hole will close over. As if the damn ring makes her more attractive.

Sorry, but I find the children of immigrants much more normal and with a better work ethic. If I fire this girl, my plan is to hire the daughter of a patient who lives nearby anyway- even if it means training her from scratch. It is easier to train skills on a person with good values than change values and habits in a person with basic technical skills.

It is sad that young people are snookered paying big bucks for private technical schools that are not really that good in teaching skills. The real problem is many of them are unemployable due to poor work ethic and complete lack of values and social skills.

When I advertise a job listing, I plainly put in the posting that I require no tattoos be visible in clinical attire. Nevertheless, every time I interview, I get dumbasses aplenty with tattoos on their necks and other places that are impossible to hide.

When did it become popular for women to have tattoos? When I was growing up only men had them. Even then none of my parents friends or relatives had them. Now they are very popular but I never had any desire to have one. Maybe part of that is because I am Jewish and Jewish law forbids tattoos.

Didnā€™t know that prohibition against them for Jews.

Canā€™t figure it out. Really, I am sort of glad. It completely kills lust over young girls for me. The most beautiful aspect of women for me is their skin, and tattoos and piercings just ruin it for me.

Much rarer on oriental girls for some reason.

Iā€™m totally with you wmj

Even though Iā€™m dealing with that right now lol

When my daughter was in high school, I volunteered to help with a DECA event for her marketing class. The students were supposed to be presenting a marketing idea as if I were the company interviewing them. One of the girls was very attractive and her presentation was very well done. But she had a small nose ring that really distracted me. We had to critique the good and identify what I felt could be changed.

I told her that her presentation was excellent, but even today (and it may have changed in the ensuing decade) is that a lot places that have a more conservative view, right or wrong, on jewelry, piercings or tattoos (she had none) and that in ā€œthe real worldā€ the ring in her nose might get her passed by, regardless of her presentation. I said that after hours and on her own, she could wear it with pride, but in a business situation, I would advise taking it off. Donā€™t know if she listened, but it was a way I could basically ā€œdiscriminateā€ without discriminating.

Things change. People consider them artistic. Iā€™m not personally a fan, but I donā€™t judge what someone else does with their body.

My daughter did Speech and Debate in High School and the coach made sure to let the girls know that if they had any tattoos (by their senior year) to wear something that covers them up during their presentation.

This is true. I am not fond of them either, but trends and peer pressure can be strong. I talked to my kid about them. I was in high school in the 70ā€™s, so I showed her a picture of what I looked likeā€¦those wonderful (polyester) clothes and longer hairā€¦I looked a bit like Herb Tarlick from WKRP, butā€¦that was COOL then. I told her that when that look fell out of fashion, all I had to do was buy some new clothes and get a haircutā€¦tats are pretty much permanent.


We had a conference with a written warning signed the other day. We were waiting to see if the new employee showed up for work today.

She came in on time with BOTH pieces of nose jewelry out. I complimented her, saying humans should not adorn themselves to resemble farm animals. She confessed it was liberating not to have that thing dangling from her nose.

Since she was now receptive, I advised her to work part-time at her former restaurant job on Fridays and weekends until she builds up at least $10,000 in savings to get her through surprises like her unemployment during COVID infection.

I like to mentor young people. I am going to buy her a copy of Dale Carnegieā€™s ā€œHow to Win Friends and Influence Peopleā€ as I have for many other youngsters. It is always encouraging to see them make positive changes. It is possible to rise above what your parent achieved if you learn from successful people and make changes.


I have seen laser tattoo removal. In addition to being expensive, the skin I have seen looks burned.

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