September Humor

I had no idea it was about Covid. Trump was president for 9 months of Covid, Biden had everything after that. Saying there were more deaths under Biden is Captain Obvious territory.

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for September 08, 2024

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I’ve been to quite a few weddings over the last 10 years that had a selfie booth, one had an actual photo booth from the 80’s that printed out the pictures. It must have been a PITA to deliver it to the banquet hall but was pretty cool.

Went to a wedding this weekend and they had one, not a real booth, but a photographer and a screen, it printed the pics off right there. It was pretty cool.

They’re coming back, I went to a wedding a few months ago that had a selfie booth.

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Well payless, at least mine is electric (just like this one).


I’ve been trying to remember the last time I used a pencil.

Show off.



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We’ve got a couple of lifetime’s worth. Let me know if you need any.

I use pencils all the time. I find them better for writing.

So do I, but I like Pentels. My wife loves the old wooden ones, even after the erasers harden (which gives her the chance to use the pink ones).

I switched to mechanical pencils back in the mid 90s and never looked back.

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