Retirement plan changes

REad some articles about American savings rate by age. That’s great if a retiree in 2050 has 2 million, but what about the 60 year old who has $100k?

Which would be approximately $425,000 in 2050 using a lofty 5.25% inflation rate

That’s why you need the mandatory match and maybe a personal responsibility contribution so that people have at least some of the retirement burden

You don’t need a mandatory match, you need people to save for their own retirement. If they choose not to fuck them, they’ll have a crappy retirement sitting home whining about those who took responsibility for their own life out living life to the fullest having fun.

And the 60 year old will be 88 in 2050

Sure go ahead and force the employer to do this and that. Until capitalism is replaced with communism just remember the end user always pays.

We pay anyways with the social services.

Communism isn’t requiring 401k. 401k were never meant to replace pensions. Companies just decided to remove pensions since they had 401k.

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Why is that relevant?

That’s the first time I"ve heard a conservative say this. It’s true by the way

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Because he is a perfect example of someone who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. Bears prides himself on being ready for a comfy retirement because he has a pension ( that he says he doesn’t need) and a 401k (that the company matched…likely with thousands of dollars over his career). Then he says companies shouldn’t match…even though they did for him…And THEN he criticizes someone for lacking the “personal responsibility” to save…a position he would maintain even if the up and comer didn’t get a company match (like he did)

Don’t forget the lifetime health care Bears will get in retirement.

Working a 40+ hr a week job to earn your retirement is being “born on third base”?

That is a ludicrous statement.

He never said that.
He said it shouldn’t be mandatory.
You seem to mistake that a lot.


Yep, that’s because I chose to work at a company that offered the pay, benefits, location, working conditions I wanted. I worked a least a half dozen jobs before I decided to stay where I’m at. If someone wants a better job, pay, benefits, etc they should do what millions of people have done. Go out and find it.

I just find it amusing how Bears likes to criticize unions and the effect they have but at the same times works for a company with a union and gets a lot of benefits through that union contract. He had better hope that none of those unsustainable sweetheart deals that unions get that ruin companies apply to him.

Here is one example:

I’d rather see social security put into a 401k style plan that you can’t type until illness, retirement, etc.

That would provide a much better benefit than the current plan.

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Guilt tripping people for picking good employers is a lot of fun, isn’t it?

And it’s so productive and righteous. As we all know, when government forces all employers to be generous the way some are voluntarily, the forced ones tend to do a FANTASTIC job at it.

They definitely do not look for shortcuts or dodges or otherwise do a shitty job imparting these benefits so that the employee ultimately suffers… :roll_eyes:

Relevance to this thread?
Nobody brought up unions, this is about government mandates.

Wmj simply hates Bears. He is making that more obvious with every post.

At least when Bears talks politics. Wmj generously tolerates Bears’ comments about other topics.

That is a “Wall Street Bailouts “!!!