Possible cure on the horizon for type 1 diabetes, BUT

The research was based on the use of embryonic stem cells. The funding for this research was private, because, as we all remember, Bush outlawed government funding when embryonic stem cells were involved.

I’m curious if the “right to life” types will pass on this “cure”, should the time come that it becomes the go-to treatment?

It’s really too early to tell how effective the stem cells will be at creating a functioning pancreas

You wouldn’t want stem cells to give you a false sense of security than you have high blood sugar

If it does work, it’s awesome. These are cells created in a lab. That said, I understand if people reject it on religious or philosophical grounds since people who believe in the sanctity of life know they should have reservations using fetal cells as we all were once

I’m an atheist, so my opinion is certainly biased. But I cannot imagine looking at my child if he or she had type 1 diabetes, and telling them that they will not partake of a cure, because a fertilized egg, that bore zero resemblance to a human being, and was likely destined for the trash, was used to develop this cure.
I do hope this pans out, and fortunately, when people turn 18, they can decide for themselves whether their lives are worth more than a few cells in a petri dish.

I’m not sure there is an actual breakthrough mentioned in the article. For at least 5 years now it’s been possible to turn back on the pancreas with stem cell therapy, problem is that it doesn’t seem to last longer than 6 months to a year. And it’s a traumatic process, dangerous to repeat that often. But I’ll follow the story, my daughter has type 1 diabetes.

If it works, I expect they can grow the cells necessary in a lab. They used to use fetuses in development of vaccines but now use lab grown cells so the Holy Rollers aren’t offended. Expect they could do that here too.

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I’m sure you’re way more knowledgeable about this subject than most of us. Hopefully, for your daughter and the million + others in this country, and the additional millions around the world, that there’s a cure just a few years away.

There is a thing called medical neglect

Agreed. Cloning cells instead of using readily available fetuses from abortion is considered much more morally acceptable but still gets the job done

If bioethics matches the patients viewpoint, hopefully treatment acceptance will increase

Agreed. It could be useful and less taxing then having shots up to 6-8 times a day and being worried about sugars dropping too low or not dropping quick enough from the insulin.

Something that’s always bothered me, concerning some illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, is that in many cases, people do have an actual choice as to whether or not they have to remain sick.

Of course, this sentiment comes from someone who’s adhered to a strict diet and exercise regimen for 50+ years.

I know that 60% of type 2 diabetics can be disease free, by adhering to strict lifestyle changes.
My brother not only ignored these lifestyle changes, but he also hated the side effects of diabetes medications, so he took nothing. He made it to 55, leaving 5 young kids.

My wife, who takes excellent care of herself and has an almost flawless diet, was told her sugar was a little high, and also had borderline high blood pressure. She’s Japanese, and high sugar seems to be more common in Asian communities. And high blood pressure runs in her family. There wasn’t much she could do about the sugar, but she immediately eliminated what was possible from her diet. And she drastically reduced her salt intake. She only had to be told once.

She’s never had to take any medications, or deal with their possible side effects. Seems like the better way to go.

Often diet is not enough. Medication and keeping your checkups so meds can be adjusted are critical too. Diet is one part of the picture.

Too much emphasis is on weight and not enough on blood sugar. Surely weight plays a role but it’s more important to keep your sugars in check

My mother in law was the same way. Lost 60 lbs, didn’t even know she had diabetes. She had white coat syndrome. She died earlier this year

I think there are pretty good studies out there, showing that diet and exercise can help 60% to become non diabetics. That’s a pretty good outcome, one requiring zero meds.
And I’m willing to bet that the majority of the other 40% is also helped, to a lesser degree.

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Reality is that many people would rather lead happier than longer lives. Unfortunately happier to many means smoking or sweets or sedentary lives. I suspect their opinions change at the end when it’s a bit late.

Agreed but just being one of the 40% is not enough. You will need checkups and meds because despite being skinny, you still have high blood sugar especially when family history is at play

Diabetes increases your cardiac arrest rate by 300% so it’s no joke and it’s not just about losing weight and eating a healthy diet though that does help you not make your diabetes worse

A healthy diet can make it where you can take less medication or even avoid it altogether but monitoring it 2x a year or more is so important so that you don’t get high A1C readings out of the blue. If so, from your checkups, you could begin medication or increase your dosage to go along with a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise.

This is so important to keep the amputations at bay and avoid the greatly increased risk of cardiac arrest