Poor Jets

They snagged themselves a quarterback… One of the best…why he’s taken his previous team to one superbowl in 10 years. He was a diva most of last off season and did it again this off season. Sure…he’s a 4 time MVP, but what good are individual awards if you can’t get your team to the big show. I used to like Rodgers, but his antics the past two years was an insult to Packer’s fans.

yeah they stupid

Packers fleeced the Jets

Now, let’s see which number Rodgers wears with the Jets. If he has any class, he will politely decline Joe Namath’s offer to let him wear twelve.

Rogers is all about him…he’s a 4 time MVP. Namath wasn’t. Rogers will wear 12.

he’s wearing 8

This trade only makes sense if the Jets think they are only a QB away from success. Anyone think that’s the case?

Based on his recent antics in Green Bay, no. He needs to prove he’s committed to winning and not sit out training camps. There is some kid a few hundred miles away from Green Bay who is working out with his future teammates before OTA’s. That kid has been to the super bowl two more times than Rodgers has. Rodgers is riding his “I am a 4 time MVP” record. I’m not sure he realizes that football is a team sport.

Their GM, or at least that is what he is telling the owner.

I think they hired a good coach and things were looking better, but even with Rodgers, maybe 3rd in the division.

They still have to play the Buffalo Bills twice a season! (Go Bills!)

And the Dolphins are no pushover if Tua is healthy.
