Parking Money Ideas

Where fo you park money where it will be easily available if you need it without risking principal

I’ve got an account with American Express Bank. Similar to a money market account, currently paying 3.7%. Allowed a small number of transactions a month. They are probably others that are similar. There are also short term cds and T bills.

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If it needs to be easily available, regular savings account or money market account.

I have some share certificates, basically CDs, for $ that doesn’t need to be accessed quickly.

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I’ve had a Ford Advantage Money Market for almost 30 years, it’s currently paying 4.5%. It was 5.5% last year. I don’t think it’s FDIC insured but I’ve never had a problem or worry about it.

We use a money market account at our local bank. Interest rate is not great, but the money is there if needed.

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