How old were you when you lost your parents
I was 17 when my father died of a heart attack and 32 when my mother died from a stroke.
How old were you when you lost your parents
I was 17 when my father died of a heart attack and 32 when my mother died from a stroke.
My parents are still both alive at age 82.
Lost my dad just before I turned 44, three weeks short of what would have been mty parents’ 50th. Mom just turned 80.
I haven’t had to deal with this yet. My parents are starting to rapidly age. I think they are 72 & 74. My dad is really starting to slow down some and my window of doing father and son fishing trip in remote Montana is quickly closing. I might try and make this happen this fall (even if it is only for a few days).
Mid 20’s when I lost my mom, late thirties when I lost my dad.
My father died when I was 54, has was 98 years old. My mother passed when I was 34 and she was 20 years younger than my father. My mother was an alcoholic and smoked, terrible lifestyle habits.
My dad when I was 18, my mom when I was 28.
My dad died at 84, I was 63. His last 18 years were not all that good, after smoking Old Golds and Pall Malls from age 15-66. My mom died at 87, I was 66. She never recovered from afib and related issues.
I was 43 when I lost my dad and 47 when I lost my mom. There is a gal in my bike group who is 70 and her mom passed away this year. Sometimes its hard to see the Facebook posts with people my age wishing their parents well on holidays.
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