Jokes for July

Great parenting advice



Musk trolled msnbc with this one.

LMAO… :joy:

I’m liking Musk more everyday. This is another example of righties having fun and a sense of humor and lefties getting butt hurt over a joke. Lighten up lefties and enjoy life, it goes by pretty fast.

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That new space telescope is amazin…

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There is a tv commercial for some trade school that is almost identical to the above.

May be an image of body of water and text that says 'Public toilet'

Hi, I’m Larry, this is my brother Daryl, and my other brother Daryl.


My wife screamed "HEY!!! YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!! I thought that was a strange way to start a conversation.

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Saw this on a friend’s Facebook page and thought it was very funny. However, I have a feeling that the younger members of this group won’t get it.


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