He missed a chance to be the first Black astronaut. Now, at 90, he's going into space

Sarcasm. I’ve only heard how there were all these racist democrats, but the two who pushed the program that made it possible to even consider a black man for such a job were among those racists. It was the racist democrats that were against the civil rights act and it was the Republicans who made it possible. Except it wasn’t. They needed Democratic support and LBJ “cajoled” members of his own party to vote for it.

Here is the thing.
Was this gentleman denied going to space due to his race? Almost certainly.
Is it being made right? Yes, by the private sector. Again the private sector has to fix government mistakes.
So quit focusing on the negative and focus on what can be done for good.

I’m glad he’s getting his chance. Would have been nice if he didn’t’ have to wait 60 years to do it. How many nonagenarians will Bezo’s be sending into space? He sent Shatner and now this guy.

Might as well tell the neighbor’s dog to stop barking.

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