Grilled pork chop

Cooked for just me tonight.
Threw a couple of pork chops on the grill.
Thick cut rubbed with a sweet spice rub.
Total of about 8 minutes per side, perfectly medium, toasted a couple of chibata rolls and a slice of havarti.
It was amazing!!


Posts like this that don’t involve sharing the food, or at least pics, are morally questionable.

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At this point I could only take a picture of my gut.
I really didn’t think it was going to turn out as good as it did. Nothing fancy, I just executed perfectly.

Baby backs were on sale so I bought a slab that I’m doing them tomorrow.

Double dog dare you

The internet is forever, but I will grace you with my after dinner treat.

Good enough, though I don’t know why you’re afraid to post your food baby.

Cause I am trying to lose it
Went back to intermittent fasting and cutting down on, not eliminating, carbs.
Been a week and going pretty good.
I usually take weekends off but I am golfing both Saturday and Sunday morning so I will still not eat until about noon.

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Try giving them a wet brine before adding the rub and grilling.

Well… the other would be even more disgusting.

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