Gen-Z Voters Slam Biden-Harris Economy

Isn’t this the same group that you all were deriding yesterday because they want everything given to them?

Well clearly, some of GenZers understand economics!

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Yet no differentiation was made when they were being derided. And they’ll be disappointed when they find that rents will still go up,.

Yep, the ones paying 30% of their income towards taxes understand and they want to keep more of their own money. The slackers who’s life isn’t going the way they planned will probably vote democrat again hoping things will change.

Odd…just yesterday you were saying Gen Z wanted everything given to them and didn’t want to work.

Can you please link to the post I made yesterday saying that.

you can find them easily enough. I’m getting ready to ride…I might offer some links to you less compassionate posts about GenZ. Oh shit…I forgot…I said yesterday kind of in jest . So I could link you to 50 but they weren’t yesterday so therefore I am wrong.

Lol… I’m not doing your research.

That’s because a lot of Gen Z expect to be given what others have earned, just like a lot of people from all generations.

You’re also confusing being “less than compassionate” with being honest.

So you are just being honest when you derided them in other threads.;

Im fed up with the current state of the country…but its more about the citizens than it is the politicians…