For KC and other barbeque connoisseurs

One thing we experience riding bikes- there are hundreds, if not thousands of BBQ places in KC. Riding in the morning, you can tell when you are near a place because you can smell the smoke. One of the places we ride by in KCK has a huge woodpile outside.

Arrowhead Stadium is known for the tailgates on game day. There are a LOT of people who have big BBQ’s on trailers that they will take to Arrowhead that morning even if it’s an afternoon game. The ribs have been smoking since early morning. If you are anywhere close to the stadium on game day you will smell smoke and BBQ and there is a hazy layer of smoke over the parking lots. Everyone should experience the Arrowhead parking lots at some time. We went to one game and had quite the walk to get to the gates. We were passing a group of tailgaters and asked if we could buy a beer off them…they guy said hell no we can’t buy one…we could take one…but not unless we took some BBQ too. I love this city,

Good tips, but BBQ can be held for hours at the right temperature. I’ll rest brisket and pork butt for a minimum of 2 hours and have gone almost 4 and it’s excellent. I’ve heard Aaron Franklin (Austin TX BBQ god) holds his brisket for 10 hours in special warners before serving.

A lot of the smokers that are on trailers and taken to Chiefs games will smoke it overnight…even for a late game.

We half jokingly say there is direct correlation between health code violations and good BBQ.

Brisket takes over 12 hours, butt at least 8 and ribs over 5 hours, they better get there early. I know people who smoke at home so it’s ready in the morning and bring it to the game, BBQ benefits from a few hour rest before serving.

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