February Funnies


I’ve seen that on Facebook, the comments were pretty funny.

That is where I got that comment.

Defending yourself against a Bear

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The NFL…2007 vs 2025


That is funny stuff right there!!!

But whiskey was worth the gap!!!

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Biden’s inflation reduction act.

My mom’s section 8 payment is higher than rent was four years ago. Had it not been for the IRA, she could have opted out of subsidized housing

Rent for studio apartment = $725 / mo in 2020
Rent for studio apartment = $1,400 / mo in 2023

Moms Section 8 payment = 30% of Income minus medical expenses = ($3,400 x 12 - $3,000) x 30% = $37,800 x 30% = $11,340 / 12 = $945/mo

She went into subsidized housing as her SS payment was $1,200 with one year deferred SS vs her husbands $1,050 x 1.08 =$1,134. He passed away from COVID / Alzheimer’s so she now collects $2,268 plus what ever inflation. She also pays 30% of her trust income

$2,518.36 is a rent we’d pay for a 2 bed / 2 bath where I live - maybe a 3 bed in a house if lucky

She looks better with clothes on.


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