Fair take by Maher on the strike

He brings up good points on both sides.

I still haven’t noticed they are on strike.

Me either. I likely never will

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Like Maher said, the streamers have a ton of content stored up.

I’m waiting for Stranger Things and if there will be another season of Wednesday, otherwise football will distract me for the next 5 months. Other than sports and old episodes of a few of his favorites my kid doesn’t watch much TV. My wife doesn’t watch much either, she would rather read or watch the same crap she’s seen too many times already.

Ya, and hockey is starting soon too.
I will be fine.

That is filmed here in NM and I haven’t heard anything about another season yet.

A tornado destroyed grandma’s house, Georgie is an unwed daddy, Missy is a rebellious teenager, mom and dad are having marital problems on “Young Sheldon.” Don’t tell me I may never get to see how this story of real family life turns out. :slightly_frowning_face:

A buddy did a Breaking Bad tour of filming locations a few years ago. He said it was pretty cool.

I know the locations where they filmed in a school and a roller rink for last season. They were also filming in a house, when some guy a couple of blocks down went off his meds and came out of his house and started shooting at cars. The police had the area shut down for awhile and no one was hurt. Welcome to Albuquerque.

Agreed. We need to revise copyright law

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