Facebook on a phone

I usually post from a PC, and I use the Fluffbuster Purity extension on my browser. It used to be called FAcebook Purity but they got in a bit of trouble… But I see few if any ads or bullshit posts on my PC. On my PHONE however it seems like it’s nothing but one big ad. Far more ads than legit posts. Maybe I’m spoiled, but is Facebook on a browser that bad?

I do most of my FB on my home PC. My old eyes don’t work well with the small phone screen. My PC has a 27 inch monitor.

I do have friends who don’t even own a home PC. They do everything on their phone. Not me.

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It’s pretty bad regardless of the device.

This Fluffbuster app really got rid of almost alt of the crap on Facebook. On the few times I try it on my phone, it seems like it is nothing BUT ads of “recommended pages”.

That’s been my experience. Makes me not want to use it anymore.

I wonder if there is an ad blocker for the phone.

My girlfriend uses a google pixel and says ad blocking is built into the software.

according to their website it won’t work on phones or tablets. I don’t like using my phone as a web browser, so I guess in some ways it pays to be a Luddite

Hey give the guy a break. Zuck needs to make lots of money so he can steal the next election too! You are a part of his revenue stream.

How did zucky steal the election taz? Can you prove this? Imagine Trump would like to hear from you, hes been saying similar things.

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