Atheists Seething as Huge International Soccer Tournament

Not to get technical, but at least athiests are consistent and Christians aren’t. Had the soccer match been in Qatar or Dubai, and the games started with facing Mecca and praising Allah, they would be side by side with Christians in opposing that.

What makes you think Christians would oppose that?

They didn’t seem to greet the 911 mosque with open arms. And I swear to God that if you have a teacher in a classroom in America, have the kids face East get your prayer mats out and bow down to our they have a shit fit. But they want the 10 Commandments in the schools.

The World Cup was just in Qatar, and one of the most conservative leaning sports in the world, UFC, just had an event in Saudi Arabia.

MY bad…would they have been so accommodating if they did it in Atlanta?

Atlanta would be more accommodating of Islamic customs than Saudi Arabia would be of Christian customs


The funny thing is this.
This is the COPA tournament which is made up of primarily Central and South American countries. That is the main reason for the prayer, not the US.

And a handful of atheists doesn’t represent them all. Atheists tend to be more live an let live. I haven’t seen one “seethe” over anyone praying. And they might not know this, but reddit and quora have “trolls”

So are most Christians.

HOw many places have they boycotted in their “war on Christmas”?

None that I know of.

How many Muslim bakers have been sued for not baking a cake that goes against their religious beliefs?

I believe I said that it’s the bakers right to turn away business and reduce profits in Jesus name if they want to. I think a tactic that is better than a lawsuit is to open a bakery next door with the sigh “everybody welcome” and take the money that the other baker doesn’t want. Get a good enough pastry chef and you may put them out of business.