Amazon Prime slamming

Just wondering if anybody else has seen this, and/or any ideas how to get it stopped.

It seems that Amazon Prime has slammed me with unrequested subscription video. Three times now! Latest one is starZ. Last one was B-E-T, about the last thing I would want since I take none of these at all.

Any idea how to get this practice stopped? Yes I know I can promptly un-subscribe but I should not have to do that to avoid getting charged.

I’ve never had it happen.

Neither have I, and I have used their free weeks for other subscription services and cancelled without incident.

I am not saying he isn’t having the problem. I’ve just never had it nor know anyone who has.

Interesting they are just picking on me? It says I have been charged, but I find no evidence.
Here is the email that they sent:

Thanks for subscribing to STARZ with Prime Video Channels.

You can now watch STARZ on Amazon. Your account has been charged $8.99 plus any applicable taxes. This subscription will automatically renew every month unless you opt out of automatic renewal.

And you are never charged? You sure it’s amazon? Sounds like a phish attempt.

I have had those before.

Well I did not see any charge, but I was able to see that they slammed me with a subscription, and was able to set it to Non-renew, but no provision to flat out cancel it. That supports the notion that it was from amazon.

That sounds like someone else trying to scam you, not Amazon itself. You can keep checking your credit card and/or bring it to Amazon’s attention. Also, pay close attention to the sender’s address.

It should be on his account when he logs into Amazon. I don’t have any extra channels but have ordered pay per views and they show up, so do subscriptions such as monthly vitamin orders. Something sounds fishy.

Agreed it is fishy. It does not show up in amazon account itself. However it did go to credit card as $9.89! Carley is right on this one. Cannot check just one place. Now all I have to do is wait for it to get out of “pending” at the bank so I can protest it.

Looks like the only way to keep Amazon from slamming me is to NOT keep a valid payment method on file. How one would complain to them is anybody’s guess.

Customer service.