About to start a real argument

That I can respect. Limited resources & all.

However, literal print is almost dead.

I’m not doubting someone told you it can cause issues with web sites, but I doubt the validity of their claim. Sounds like bullshit.

Html has had plenty of time to evolve in such a way as to not cause problems with a double space post period.

That’s not a flaw; it’s a feature

I am less concerned about the number of spaces after a period than I am with the rise of “text speech”.

At the risk of sounding like “get of my lawn” guy. I agree 100%.

What’s your concern exactly?

I studied linguistics for a bit in college, and I find that most people don’t have much of a handle on how language evolves.

People tend to have this cathedralesque mentality, where everything is centrally planned & approved/enacted, and they thumb their noses at anything that butts in from the outside.

The reality is almost all of language is built from external & unintentional cultural influence, and is constantly (if slowly) evolving therefrom. People listen to authority a lot less than Boomer suburbanites think they do, and that is ok.

Before I retired, I saw resumes that had “text speech” in them. I’m all about slang when I’m talking to my buddies, but in a professional environment, “normal language” should be used. If you were hiring manager and had two resumes, would you be more likely to reach out the the person speaking “English”, or the one using text speak. Bear in mind that for the next few years anyways, they may be working for and with those arrogant boomers.

Who gives a shit?

If the resumes are unprofessional, you toss them aside. Just like if the applicant shows up looking like a ruck sack.

That doesn’t merit some kind of special concern. You’re just being silly and dramatic.

And no, they’re not going to be working for those whiney, narcissistic, self-indulgent Boomers. Those boomers will be retired and getting in younger people’s way on the roads.

ANd thanking those Gen Xers and the like for paying our social security.

No, they won’t be thanking anyone for anything. They’ll be complaining endlessly about how they’re not getting enough in their SS checks.

Worst generation in the history of the planet.

YEah…they gave birth to the likes of you.


They shredded so many of their brain cells in the 60s they are now worthless pieces of shit. And they expect the younger generations they ignored to pay for their continued luxury in retirement.

Hope they enjoy inflation.

Do you hate your parents THAT much?

My parents earned themselves a very nice pension. They won’t be whining about their insufficient SS payments.

I’m speaking broadly about most boomers. There are always exceptions to any rule.

I thought that pensions were just as much of a ponzi scheme as Social Security - people working for their company are paying their pensions. IT’s just ANOTHER thing those damned boomers got the WE didn’t get since companies dropped pensions. Bastards. Still…they will thank them. And insufficient or not, you’re still paying for their social security. And I bet they’d be a little ticked off if you tried to take it.

Not when coming from a quality employer that has their shit together.

I’m not the one taking, Einstein. They are. They’re taking money. If I stop forking over money to them, that is not taking anything.

It is amazing to watch your brain flip even the most basic & commonsense concepts into a commie collectivist wet dream.

I’m just pointing out that you are bitching about what your parents are getting, whether they need it or not. Care to share the name of this dinosaur company that still offers a pension to anyone besides top management? Some of the younger folks might want to apply there to get that pension.

Wrong. Have not complained once in this thread. I’ve merely been mocking the boomers. That has been incredibly obvious to everyone but you.

You constantly project your own effeminate behavior onto others. It is extremely tedious & sad to watch a man in his 60s behave like a preteen.

Not only do you hate your parents, you are reverting back to your apparent hatred of women…insulting someone by saying that they are like a woman.

Lol you are really, really bad at the trolling game. Possibly the worst I’ve ever seen. There’s no wit, subtlety, or plausibility to precede the punchline.

Keep trying though, this is pretty amusing.

I was on your side until this statement