President Trump, We Can End Inflation Tomorrow


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That was taken into account in my question.
If we were to default, would they go to war with us?
Or just quit doing any business with us?

Isn’t the bigger risk that the dollar would no longer be the default currency?

No one’s going to war with us over debt. We have more nukes.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 12

It was a rhetorical question, but there are numerous risks

I expect that we would quickly lapse into a world wide recession, perhaps a depression.

I do think that our military expenditures should be based on what the military needs to do the job we ask them to do and not be based the seniority and power of the Senators and Reps where military bases and manufacturers are located. Wholesale and poorly planned military cuts will lead to general unrest in the world an, ironically, the need for more military expenditures.

So we should only fund an Army for two years at a time?

Where in the constitution does it prevent spending cuts for defense

I have a complicated stance on welfare. It is needed but it should be earned and a lot more money. The problem is the system is setup to keep people in poverty.

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We only spend about 3% of our GDP on defense. To keep it inline with treaties, we could only cut 1%.

This is the complicated issue we learned from Ukraine.

We don’t really have the military complex we thought we had. I have to say where the fuck did the money go? We can’t even produce enough 155mm rounds for ukraine.

I have always been told we had a large military complex to wage war anywhere, anytime we wanted and it turns out it is a lie.

Into the pockets of contractors.

This federal financial crisis boils down to unsustainable entitlements (ss/medicare) and contractor enrichment.

We can out of ammo for Ukraine in like 6 months or so.

I had always been told by the Democrats we spent to much and enough weapons.

We couldn’t even fight a small sustained war in Ukraine for very long. How the fuck would we ever fight China or Russia?

Imagine our hands are tied as to how much we can send Ukraine. Russias military is exposed as a fraud in Ukraine. I dont feel the Ukraine war is any kind of litmus test to Americas preparedness.

That is because we can’t produce more. Ukraine blew through out stockpile very quickly.

The government is over spending $10 Billion per day. That is roughly $30 per person every day. That is $11,000 per person per year. My household’s portion of this over spend is $44,000 per year. Gee and we wonder why higher rates hasn’t stopped inflation. It might have stopped some spending on the personal level but the government’s over spend dwarfs that pull back from consumers due to higher rates.