My latest Facebook peeves

It seems like I get daily posts showing a horribly disfigured kid with the writing “Nobody will wish me a happy birthday because of how I look”. And it has something like a million responses of “happy birthday”. I guess I am heartless, but this one came across (with Albanian language). HAckers are pretty big in eastern Europe. IT was put up 2 days ago and over 700,000 people wished her a happy birthday. If it’s not photoshopped, then I can’t help but believe that it’s an attempt for a hacker to access Facebook information. We worry about online security, but give away so much information it’s not funny.

Screenshot from 2022-03-31 11-39-28

It’s called “like farming.”

A lot of my friends fall for these. There are those and then these idiotic “no word starts with a W and ends with a G - prove me wrong”. And they get millions of responses. I told my friends if you want to play those or like them, they need to go into Facebook settings for security and privacy and check the status of “who can see my friends list”. The default is “everyone”. So when you click on those and anybody can view your friends list…you just gave scammers your info AND your friends info that someone can used to spoof you or them.

I’m surprised it didn’t come with a go fund me.

I’m amazed at how many of my friends fall for them. Especially, when it’s things possibly giving away their personal info. Like “what would your age be with the numbers reversed?”

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