Last day of the Month, and here is the dumbest thing!

No, he isn’t.
I posted links to facts.

Huh? Look at how much money we send to each continent.

I’m talking about the opinion of the average American. Of course we pay more attention to politics and war in europe than in Africa and Asia and that’s perfectly fine.

I disagree, but irrelevant.

I’m agreeing with your point that there is no racism here, we just took different roads to get there.

No problems, I am not trying to be difficult, even if I came off as that.

Where is the break between Europe and Asia?

Already answered, read responses 13-17

I think North America should have been good for at least two continents, if not three. The Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains are just as good as the Urals for a continental boundary. :grin:

If a big mountain range counts, then how come everything west of the Rockies is still part of North America. South America…sure. a strip of land less than 50 miles wide might as well not be there. But a range of mountains extending from Canada to Mexico should count as much as the Urals do.

That’s the kinda thing I was talking about. It should be based on geography/geology, not the culture or color of who lives where. You’d think there would be consensus by now.

I have no issue with Europe being called Europe. IDK the origin of the word, but it refers to a region of the world. It just makes no scientific sense to call it a continent.

You may not, but Nicole Hannah-Jones does.
Because rAcISm!!!

I don’t see where she’s saying it shouldn’t be called Europe.

She says it isn’t a continent, so it can’t be called Europe if it isn’t actually a continent.

By that logic, Nebraska can’t be called Nebraska.

Nobody has said that Nebraska isn’t a State.

No one has said that Europe isn’t a definable region within the Eurasian continent. Call it Europe. Don’t call it a continent. Unless you want to call Pluto a planet.

Isn’t Africa a part of Eurasia due to a land bridge?

Couldn’t you just have America because of swampland that connects Central America with South America?

But it at least has a separate tectonic plate. Like North and South America, barely connected by land, but on separate plates. Eurasia is one large plate.

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Gotcha. So is our continent naming convention supposed to be based on plates? Is Iceland on the same plate as the rest of Eurasia and Greenland on the same plate as North America?

It seems that both India and Arabia should be removed from Asia because they have separate plates that are smaller than the Eurasia and Africa plates. I think it’s a good discussion