Larry having another beery bad day…

Yes, just like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, CNN and MSNBC are the PR arm of the democrat party.

Better get your beef beer now, before all the flatulatin’ cows are gone.

OH…I’m sure they do. But Fox viewers view Carlson and Hannity as “analysts” and not “entertainment” . So they can hear the bits of conservative bias in the newscast (Biden is banning meat) but they tune into these clowns for “the rest of the story”. Name a CNN “entertainment” host has even 10% of Hannity or Carlson viewers.

And CNN viewers think Cuomo and Acosta are “journalists “.

who has a bigger audience - Cuomo and Acosta or Hannity and Carlson. Who has the better chance of convicing more people of their bullshit theories?

I don’t know. I don’t watch any of them.
CNN assigned Acosta to be a White House correspondent even though he had negative credibility.

Who cares? Why would anyone watch any of the four?

Cuomo and Acosta, their viewers are idiots that’ll believe anything they’re told.

Good point, I don’t watch any of them.

I don’t…but many do. And even if liberals consider Cuomo and Acosta to be analysts, the number of people who believe that Hannity and Carlson…BOTH of them borderline conspiracy theorists (many times they have crossed the line) leaves those numbers in the dust.

That’s because righties only have Fox News, lefties have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS and NPR. Not many options for those not wanting to hear liberal propaganda 24/7.

Not to get too religious, but instead of focusing on the splinter in your neighbors eye, take care of the 2x4 in your own.

Because the splinter in millions of eyes damn near led to the overthrow of this country.


You win the hyperbole award for the year, maybe of all time.

You seem angry and fearful.

And the 2x4 in billions of eyes led to the Mueller investigation.

Luckily blm couldn’t achieve that goal.

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