
Wife and I went this weekend and had a friend of ours join us.
He has the Ping Driver that I want to check out, so I told him I was going to have to give it a few swings. My wife said I was rude for “telling” him instead of asking. He said it was all right because he would laugh at my trying to swing his left handed club!

My son is right-handed, but apparently left eye dominant. I got him a bow for his birthday and he shoots left-handed. It’s tough to find places to practice near us though.

I use to bowl about 150. I think the last time I bowled I was around 80

I guess you could say my hobby is genealogy, but I spend much more time on it than a hobby.

A couple of YouTube personalities I’ve watched in the past did the exact same thing.

I never heard any commentary on it, or reasoning behind it. But apparently it’s a thing.

I have been tempted to try it. Couldn’t hurt, since I’m not extremely consistent with RH clubs.

How far have you traced back?

I want to go to Ireland to see if I can figure out how my named warped.

To someone who speak Irish, they identify it as an Irish name but they don’t know the original name and they don’t think you’ll find a native Irishmen with it.

I think we traced back to the 1700’s with my last name. My family traces back further but that’s on my mothers side

My “swing” was pulling my right arm through like a backhand in tennis or using a brush cutter. My wrist is fully locked and my left hand is just along for the ride… all the power came from my right arm. I still suck at golf but I did way better playing left handed than I did right.

road trips, got back into reading recently, telling jokes, going to plays, and fixing things

What kind of stuff do you like to read?

SciFi When I was younger I read Asimov, Tolkien, Bradbury, and others. I loved the concepts of time travel and robotics rules. I’m right now reading my 3rd series of military scifi . It’s basicly humans vs hostile aliens. As time goes on I’ll look at other types.

I’ve done five families, my mother’s, both sides of my wife’s, and two paternal sides of cousins. in each. I have found at least one line that goes back to the 1600s. I don’t track the names, I track the direct relationships regardless of name. One cousin has a line that goes back to New Amsterdam. A couple have lines going back to Jamestown and early colonial Virginia (including a participant in the real first Thanksgiving in 1619).

My father’s parents were Polish immigrants, and I don’t speak or write Polish, so I’ve only gotten back two more generations before my grandfather. My grandmother’s history is very murky. Every tree I’ve done has at least one good story that should have been passed along but never was. In fact, none generally were. That doesn’t seem to be related to ethnicity.

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