Dem birds

YOu tube recommends ATC videos in my feed and this one came up today…This was from Toronto last November - a bird shattered the windshield of the plane…this is a screen shot

How do you know the bird was a Dem?

Maybe it was a voucher?

sorry…I was thinking of a song “dem bones dem bones dem dry bones” (if you’re old enough to remember that song)

I’m just kidding.

I dunno, I’ve been accused by someone who knows more about me than I know about myself of being totally focused on politics 24/7 when all I was thinking about was a silly song from the 50’s. But I wonder if any of the pilots needed to change their underwear after the bang and the bird carcass made it’s way into the cockpit.

BC it self-destructed.

Did they lose cabin pressure ?

That is funny right there

No, it happened on takeoff…this is the video, which is ATC audio

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