A real fix for Social Security!

That sounds like the DC solution.
No thanks

Put in an FOIA request to Galveston County, TX

You have a better system than Social Security but you want to keep the rest of us saddled with a fucking Ponzi scheme!!!
Mac, you seem like a pretty decent guy, but this is a fucked up take on your part!!

That’s what happened to my dad. He went to work for the post office at age 38, and they did not participate in S/S, so his S/S benefits were frozen at that time. I retried at age 52, so I did accrue any added benefits after that time.

I think with a little creativity and planning, it could be done at the national level. The problem is that the S/S system is use for more than just collecting S/S taxes and paying out S/S benefits. Things such as spousal benefits, disability payments, S/S interaction with Medicare, all the statistical info done by the SSA, etc. would have to be handled separately. I think our federal government could do it, but that they never will.

Fair enough assessment, and I would tend to agree.
But, this is the first time I have ever heard two Senators bring up an actual fix.

It is a basic math equation. Unless you have a way to magically print $20T, there is no other solution.

Basic math won’t fix Social Security (not a dig at you, but the system).

Raising taxes and lowering benefits (which raising the retirement age amounts to) doesn’t fix the problem, it literally only compounds it.

Most likely they stayed on their old plan or if they paid into social they’d stay on social.

I don’t have a choice, other than to switch jobs. Decision was made long ago. I have contributed to SS from previous jobs.

That sounds like what the Alternative plan is, but that doesn’t address the people who are already retired part. I don’t see any evidence that they did.

This is a really dumb conclusion on your part. Obviously there was a solution and it probably involves them staying in Social Security. Why would you let people draw benefits from the Alternative Plan hat didn’t pay into the system? Although Dems have no problem with deadbeats living off government handouts…

They’d stay on the plan they have. It’s not that complicated. They can’t just remove what they had. Typically they offer it to new employees or employees with x number of years of service.

I use to work for a company with a pension. The people on the pension didn’t lose it when they didn’t offer it anymore. New employees couldn’t get it

That’s all fine and not that different from what I have. Where it matters is when people hold this up as an example of how to reform SS. Because the already retired people have to be taken into account in that scenario. Just carving people out of the program doesn’t address this.

Of course the existing people have to be accounted for…but we MUST switch to a new system. The problem is our politicians are pussies. They only care about staying in power…thus they have no interest in solving tough problems.

If you had a choice there is literally no way you would choose Social Security.
You can do math.
Your opinion on Social Security is no longer relevant.

That is exactly what it is!!!
That is what it did when implemented.
Figuring out what to do with the current retirees is a one time fix, small potatoes compared to the cluster fuck that is trying figure out an eternal structural problem with Social Security funding.

It’s not small potatoes when the existing program is structured the way it is. It’s literally trillions of dollars that would have to be found or figured out.

That is why the existing structure needs to change!!

We’re going in circles. All I’m saying is that any structure change needs to take this into account or admit they’re going to leave people in the cold. I don’t see any indication that any of the proposed ones, including the one debated in this thread, are doing that.

It is an argument you came up with out of your ass.

The OP link (mine) is literally just an initial discussion by two Senators.
For you to expect the minutia to be already worked out is asinine.
This is why shit doesn’t get done in DC, someone brings up an asinine statement and pushes it as gospel.